Friday, January 27, 2012

Fox... in Socks?

--> I looked at her blankly for a moment, then she barked, “Auch hier bitte.” <--

I had not planned this happening to Chole, or anyone. It was an accident, but once it happened, it had to play out. I was surprised with the turn, and the repercussions, but they are what they are.

I am a little extra excited about this installment, and not just because it is finally her second day at the school, or because she gets asked on a date - of sorts - but I have come to like Cody rather a lot and this is the first we really see him. Also, there is an event that opens things up a bit and rather forces Chole's hand in the days to come. Well, read and find out!

If this is the first one you are reading, by all means please stop and read the first one first, then proceed in order, if you would be so kind.  

And if you like it/them, let me know.  If you do not, I would still like to know.  If you are completely indifferent and do not feel it is worth your time to comment, that's okay, you can let me know that as well.

Part One:  → Fox at First Sight
Part Two:  → Foxy Lady
Part Three:  → Still a Fox
Part Four:  → Fellowship of the Fox
Part Five:  → Fox Free Period
Part Six:  → Fox, but not Forgotten
Part Seven:  → Fox Report
Part Eight:  → Fox in socks
Part Nine: Lingering Fox  → Coming Soon ←

By the way, I mean no disrespect to the legacy of the author of the work that inspired my title here.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Friday Fiction: Fox Report

Not to imply any association with the news corp; good, bad or otherwise.  Just the title of this weeks installment. 

Seeing that it is the #7 one, I maybe should have made some James Bond reference/pun, but I did not.  I only bring that up because the title it has seems lame, but as I mentioned before, they got their title based on how I think about the contents of the section/scene.

Chole has a better conversation with her mum than she did this morning and deconstruct some of her day.  And, she has a dream...

Part One:  → Fox at First Sight
Part Two:  → Foxy Lady
Part Three:  → Still a Fox
Part Four:  → Fellowship of the Fox
Part Five:  → Fox Free Period
Part Six:  → Fox, but not Forgotten
Part Seven:  → Fox Report
Part Eight:  → Fox in socks: Coming Soon ←

(Selecting the Trebuchet font makes me think of hurling the characters at the screen.)

Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday Fiction: Fox, but not Forgotten

We get to see a little into Chole's life outside of school as she finally gets home after a long day.

Let there be no mistake that I am really lame with titles.  Oddly, if nothing else, I have been naming these "chapters" based on how I think of them.

Part 5, for example, was because it is uncommon for freshmen to have seventh period free, it was unexpected for Fox to have been there to hear Chole practicing.  It was only by chance that Chole was free that hour to be practicing.  So the "pun" in that one was on "free" because she should have been "free" from Fox that hour, but instead, Fox was also free.  Not that I needed to explain the pun, but just that was how part 5 got its name. Fear not, friendly followers, we will find out why Fox was free for seventh period.  (Other than that she also has a zero hour - also uncommon for freshmen.)

And "part" is probably not the appropriate word for what these are.  I mean, they are more like "chapterettes" but that is not a word - (but that usually does not stop me.) [Oh, you will find it out there on there interwebs, but that does not mean that it is really a word.  Although, watch it really be a word after all. Still though, the fact of it being on the interwebz hardly makes it proper English, donchknow.]

Chapterette One:  → Fox at First Sight
Chapterette Two:  → Foxy Lady
Chapterette Three:  → Still a Fox
Chapterette Four:  → Fellowship of the Fox
Chapterette Five:  → Fox Free Period
Chapterette Six:  → Fox, but not Forgotten
Chapterette Seven:  →
Fox Report ... Coming Soon ←

If this is the first one you are reading, by all means please stop and read the first one first, then proceed in order, if you would be so kind.

And if you like it/them, let me know.  If you do not, I would like to know as well.  If you are completely indifferent and do not feel it is worth your time to comment, that's okay, you can let me know that as well.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Friday Fiction: Fox Tale number 5

Here it is, #5.  This is one of those ones I have been really hoping to get to for a while.  When I first sat down to start Fox Tale, I went from start to the end of #5 in one go  because This is where I have been heading for an introduction to Chole.  It gets better, or rather, now we are getting to the start of things.

Part One:  → Fox at First Sight
Part Two:  → Foxy Lady
Part Three:  → Still a Fox
Part Four:  → Fellowship of the Fox
Part Five:  → Fox Free Period
Part Six: Fox, but not Forgotten  → Coming Soon ←

To be honest, I figure even if I just come here on Fridays to promote my latest upload to deviantART, at least I am coming here, and not just forgetting about this blog all together.

I still feel a little like I would rather just have one place for everything, you know, like I can "blog" on DA, or I can post my fiction here, etc, but really, these things do not belong in each other's spaces.  I do not feel like I ought to "blog" on DA, and I do not think that I really ought post my short stories on google.

Oh well.

Take Care-