Sunday, October 16, 2011

Just an update

So it has been some time since I had made any updates on DeviantArt.  Last night, or this morning, whenever, I posted one of those "about me" things.  Rather self indulgent, if I do say so, but reading other's is a sort of guilty pleasure of mine, so yeah, I "give back" a bit.

Anywho, Here is the link to the Journal.

Yes, I have been writing a bit more, but it is rather slow going.  I hope to have some more short stories - or rather installments of the existing stories - posted in my gallery soon.

I am currently pulling a software update.  It takes a while.  So I am getting a bit chatty here.  Oh well.

It has been snowing more lately.  This is a good thing, for me, and I am really enjoying it.  It seems to be improving my mood a bit.

Dad has been cooking more for me.  I mean, yeah, he has been having to play more of the chef role for a while, but I have been making more of an effort to get involved and give recipe input.

I have re-read the Harry Potter books, enjoying them as much as ever.  Watching Thor took a lot out of me and I do not thing I want to go through that again to see the latest HP films.  (No, I still have not seen 6 or 7.1 & 7.2)

But now I am getting into State of Fear by Michael Crichton, an author whose works I do appreciate quite a lot.

I think that is about it for now.

Take care-


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