It makes me nuts when people put their flag up where it does not belong and move the scope of the real, root issue.
There was a story years ago where a woman was beaten, raped, stabbed, all repeatedly before being dumped and left for dead. The assailant was acquitted.
The woman had agreed to performing sex acts in exchange for drugs while at a night club, left with the guy, changed her mind on the way to his house (after using some of his drugs), and then he attacked her.
Okay, she was dressed "like a prostitute"
She promised to have sex with him
She used drugs, then did not "pay up"
All those things are bad, questionable, whatever. People all over started raising issues for decency and anti-drug campaigns. Whatever. What this boils down to is that nothing, nowhere, nohow excuses his behavior.
There is no instrument anywhere in humanity that says "Well, it is okay to do that because..."
So today I was sent this thing about "anti-bullying policies" that do not factor in LGBT. Why should they? Why should they have to itemize the things for which a person could be bullied.
Before there is a lot of yelling, let me explain.
A, "C beat me up."
B, "That is terrible, A. Why did you do that, C?"
C, "Because I felt like it."
B, "C, I am appalled. There will be severe retribution."
A, "C beat me up."
B, "That is terrible, A. Why did you do that, C?"
C, "Because A is gay."
B, "Oh, well, fine then."
The story was that there was a gay boy beaten in school, it was caught on camera video, no one helped, and the assailant was punished. The argument is that it is a hate crime and the punishment was insufficient. What we do not know is if the punishment is or is not consistent with other hate-crime punishments.
See what I mean? There is no need to distinguish a person's characteristics when talking about protection from abuse. Hate crime is hate crime and the story was presented with insufficient perspective.
If there was some sense of self defense like, "he was beating me up and I fought back" or "I felt threatened and I had no other recourse for protection," and I am sure, plenty of other reasons where it may be justified for one person to use physical force against another person, but it is never okay to do it because they have different beliefs, look different, or for their sexual orientation.
It is never okay to rape. That is just.... no, never.
So, this.... junk-mail.... is not getting my support because I am not just jumping on a LGBT wagon and making a fuss. I would not get on a race or religion wagon either under these conditions.
People, just get over yourselves, put down your banner, quit "occupying" and deal with the real issues.
It also irks me when the law gets in the way of justice.
Law is not always congruent with justice, unfortunately. Juries, and those appointed to the the pursuit and custody of our laws are human enough to have their biases, and this is often exploited. It isn't right, but it is difficult to inspire people to overcome it.
ReplyDeleteWe can all agree that rape and attempted murder is always wrong. That prejudice as a motivator makes a crime all the more heinous. Yet it is easy for people to forget this when they allow other factors to color their perceptions, unfortunatly.