Thursday, October 8, 2009

Oh, Mercy! It has been a while

Wow, so, the last time I made an entry on my blog was shortly after my fifteenth birthday. Now, I have been sixteen for a little while now.


What now? You may ask.
Or Not.

Here are a couple bullet points.
-I have not died. Huray for me.
-I am living with my Dad - full time.
-I am home-schooling starting this year.
-I am not insane. The conversation went something like this:
"Blah blah blah, I wouldn't call her /crazy/ blah blah blah," then I quit listening.
-I made some new friends
-I lost some friends... kinda on purpose. Just kinda walked away.
-I had my first kiss (from someone that was not family, you know) but it was 1) an ambush and 2) it was from a girl. She was 1) lucky she did not get punched (I am not a punching sort of person) 2) She did not get invited to do it again. (But I was flattered.) (No Katy Perry references, please.)
-I had a couple guys fight over me, but 1) not "fight" exactly 2) neither won, so to speak.
-I, on another blog, went through a series of "quizzes" about a number of different subjects. (two is a number)
-I made a killer bread pudding.
-I kinda like did the "365" thing and proved that I do not have the blog-post discipline to keep it up.
-I drove a car for the first time. It was on a closed course. But I did it.
-It has been determined that the risk of me blacking out, or "locking up" under stress is significant enough that I will not likely get a driver's license.
-I actually have posted a number of "Top Fifteen" lists on that other blog. I am thinking about porting some of my faves over here.
-Dad did get a kind of girlfriend of sorts. Nothing serious, but I am still hoping for the best.

Lets see, was that Fifteen? Yeah, I think so. Hmm.

That's all for now, I guess.

Take Care-

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